Why do we have a harder time choosing when we have more options?
Choice Overload
, explained.What is Choice Overload?
Choice overload, also known as overchoice, choice paralysis, or the paradox of choice, describes how people get overwhelmed when they are presented with many options. While we tend to assume that more choice is a good thing, research has shown that, in many cases, we have a harder time choosing from a larger array of options.
Where this bias occurs
Imagine it’s a hot day out, and you decide to pop into an unfamiliar coffee shop. As you get in line and look at the menu boards, you’re bombarded with a whole slew of options. Should you get a simple iced coffee or a Frappe? What flavor? But wait, the Frappes are so expensive—you should just go for a tea. But that has less caffeine and will give you less energy! What to do? By the time you get to the front of the line, your head is spinning so much that you just grab a bottle of water. You walk out, regretting that you didn’t get something a little more exciting.