Why do we believe our horoscopes?
Barnum Effect
, explained.What is the Barnum effect?
The Barnum effect, also commonly referred to as the Forer Effect, describes when individuals believe that generic information, which could apply to anyone, applies specifically to themselves.1
Where this bias occurs
Examples of the Barnum effect are everywhere. Have you read your daily horoscope and noticed how strangely accurate the prediction was? After all, you did receive words of wisdom and reconnect with an old friend today, just as Co–Star said you would.
Even though it is well known that horoscopes are intentionally vague to appeal to as many people as possible, some are still amazed at how perfectly these descriptions apply to themselves. The Barnum effect tricks us into believing that a particular horoscope was meant for just us, encouraging us to find nonexistent parallels between the text and our own lives.
Beyond astrology, people working in “New Age” professions, such as tarot card readers, fortune tellers, magicians, and psychics, are notorious for employing the Barnum effect to convince customers of their predictions.