A scientist wearing protective gear and a mask examines a sample through a microscope in a brightly lit laboratory.

Why We Misjudge the Risks of New COVID Strains

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Mar 17, 2021

How well-calibrated are we on the risk of the new COVID strains, coming from the U.K., South Africa, and elsewhere, and discovered across the U.S.?1 ,2 ,3

Health authorities, various experts, and the media have put the spotlight on concerns over vaccine effectiveness and claimed the strains are likely not going to escape the vaccine. They thus assert there’s no need to ring the alarm.4, 5, 6, 7

For instance, Adm. Brett Giroir, the former White House coronavirus testing czar, gave an interview on December 27 to Fox News Sunday, where he said “It is not any more serious than the normal strains of COVID… we have no evidence to suggest, nor do we believe that the vaccine would not be effective.”8

Yet this proclamation may have come too soon: new research is showing that existing vaccines do indeed appear to be less effective against certain variants of the coronavirus.9 However, because scientists may quickly update the mRNA-based vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech to make them fully effective against these new COVID variants, most experts are confident that we will still be able to contain new variants.10 If the U.S. does indeed achieve herd immunity through mass vaccination by the end of 2021, these new strains may not make much of a difference.11

But there’s another element of these brand-new strains that should make you much more ready to update your risk assessment and change your plans: they’re a lot more infectious. However, the possible impact of their infectiousness has not received nearly enough attention. Such complacency is reminiscent of our “sleepwalking” response to the virus’s emergence last year, in spite of direct advance warning from myself and other experts in behavioral science and risk management.12, 13, 14 That’s why so many in the U.S. and elsewhere have not succeeded in the effort to plan and adapt successfully to this situation.15 Our brains don’t deal well with such threats, making it much more difficult to respond to slow-moving and high-impact train wrecks such as the pandemic itself, or to a much more infectious variant.


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  2. Fischer, L. (2020, November 11). The real danger posed by coronavirus-infected mink. Scientific American. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-real-danger-posed-by-coronavirus-infected-mink/ 
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  14. Sequoia. (2020, March 6). Coronavirus: The Black swan of 2020. Medium. https://medium.com/sequoia-capital/coronavirus-the-black-swan-of-2020-7c72bdeb9753 
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About the Author

Gleb Tsipursky

Gleb Tsipursky

Disaster Avoidance Experts

Dr. Gleb Tsipursky is a behavioral economist, cognitive neuroscientist, and a bestselling author of several books on decision-making and cognitive biases. His newest book is Pro Truth: A Pragmatic Plan to Put Truth Back Into Politics (Changemakers Book, 2020). Dr. Tsipursky is on a mission to protect people from dangerous judgment errors through his cutting-edge expertise in disaster avoidance, decision making, social and emotional intelligence, and risk management. He founded Disaster Avoidance Experts, a behavioral economics consulting firm that empowers leaders and organizations to avoid business disasters. His thought-leadership has been featured in over 500 articles that he has published as well as 450 interviews he has given to popular venues such as CBS News, Scientific American, Psychology Today, and Fast Company, among others. Dr. Tsipursky earned his PhD in the History of Behavioral Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, his M.A. at Harvard University, and his B.A. at New York University.

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