The Sound of Silence: How the Absence of Noise Affects Your Decisions
Have you ever found yourself turning down the car radio while looking for a parking spot? Or stepping outside of a noisy room just so you could think? These almost instinctual habits reveal something fundamental about our relationship with noise—especially when it comes to making decisions.
Silence can be uncomfortable. We have a constant need for mental stimulation, supported by the practically limitless amounts of content we have access to at all times. But through decades of research on noise, scientists have discovered that excessive noise competes with our ability to think clearly, while silence can improve our decision-making processes and might even keep us in good health.
Your brain on noise
The case of public health
Noise pollution, by definition, is any loud and inescapable sounds that jeopardize the health or well-being of humans or animals.1 In this case, noise becomes more than just a mere nuisance—it can have significant adverse effects on our physical and mental health.
Several studies have discovered correlations between noise pollution and an array of health issues including heart disease,2 depression,3 and anxiety,4 potentially attributed to repeatedly triggering the body’s stress response.5 After conducting a study on the effects of traffic-related noise in Europe, the WHO even labeled noise pollution as a “threat to public health.”6
This underscores an urgent need for noise management and pollution reduction to safeguard public health on a global scale. Government intervention can massively support this, from thoughtful urban planning of airports and highways to regulated use of noise-absorbing materials in the construction of transportation infrastructure.
Impacts on learning
Other studies have examined the influences of noise on learning ability with unnerving results. A landmark study conducted in the 70s demonstrated that children in classrooms on opposite sides of a school, where one side was within earshot of train tracks and the other side was not, had different learning outcomes. When the city improved the infrastructure to reduce the noise made by the trains, learning outcomes equalized.7 This is a tell-tale sign that enhancing learning environments to improve K-12 education is a crucial investment in the future of young learners.
Numerous other studies have demonstrated the impact of noise pollution on children’s ability to recognize speech, reading level, and other cognitive performance measures.7, 8, 9, 10 Similar results in terms of mental workload as well as visual and auditory attention have also been observed in young adults.11 Once again, the critical need for noise mitigation strategies is clear since optimal cognitive development depends on our ability to create environments for learning that are free from noise pollution.
Understanding the science
So what is the scientific explanation behind this all? Noise may interfere with our ability to perceive other kinds of stimuli because we involuntarily process the sound, which competes with the mental processes being applied to the task at hand. More simply, the sound is drawing our attention away from what we were previously focusing on.12
In the long term, as we adapt to chronic noise exposure, our brains learn to block out unwanted noise but inadvertently may ignore other important stimuli in the process. This is likely the case for young children with chronic exposure to noise who have trouble with language development.13
But of course, not all noise is made equal. Relaxing music, audiobooks, birds singing, and the like may all be considered sounds—different from noises like traffic or construction because of our desire to listen to them. And as it turns out, sounds might conversely have a positive impact on our cognitive processes. For instance, classical music may help us absorb new information,14 and listening to nature sounds can improve our mood.15 Check out previous research we’ve done here at TDL on how listening to music while waiting can alter our perception of time, our mood, and our perceptions of who we’re waiting for.
- Noise pollution. (n.d.).
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- World Health Organization: WHO. (2011, March 30). New evidence from WHO on health effects of traffic-related noise in Europe. World Health Organization.
- Bronzaft, A. L., & McCarthy, D. (1975). The effect of elevated train noise on reading ability. Environment and Behavior, 7(4), 517–528.
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- Hygge, S., Evans, G. W., & Bullinger, M. (2002). A prospective study of some effects of aircraft noise on cognitive performance in schoolchildren. Psychological Science, 13(5), 469–474.
- Jafari, M. J., Khosrowabadi, R., Khodakarim, S., & Mohammadian, F. (2019). The effect of noise exposure on cognitive performance and brain activity patterns. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 7(17), 2924–2931.
- Hughes, R. W. (2014). Auditory distraction: A duplex-mechanism account. PsyCh Journal, 3(1), 30–41.
- Novotney, A. (n.d.). Silence, please.
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- Song, I., Baek, K. S., Kim, C., & Song, C. (2023). Effects of nature sounds on the attention and physiological and psychological relaxation. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 86, 127987.
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About the Author
Sophie Cleff
Sophie is a Senior Associate at The Decision Lab. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology and Immunology from McGill University. She is passionate about applying her research background to interdisciplinary problems, especially related to public health. Before joining The Decision Lab, Sophie worked with the Montreal Children’s Hospital and Translating Emergency Knowledge for Kids (TREKK) to increase the quality, safety, and integrity of research in pediatric medicine. In her free time, she enjoys crocheting and playing the guitar.
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