Two children drawing with colored pencils on paper, their heads close together; one child focused on drawing, while the other watches intently, in a bright indoor setting.

Why Children May Be Better Economists Than Economists

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Nov 23, 2017

Could children be the policy makers of today, today? Behavioral economists are praised for explaining some of the obvious causes of human behavior, and rightfully so. Although, most often it is the thing right under our nose that goes unnoticed. Children however seem immune to this lapse in judgement.

An investigation by Kenneth J. Arrow into the ‘Rationality of Self and Others in an Economic System’,  he postulates “an acceptable and fundamental way to test economic theory is to test directly the economic rationality of individuals isolated from interactive experience in the social and economic institution.” Through infancy, a primitive mind bears little cognitive predisposition to selection bias, bigotry, or other adverse effects often observed in real world behavior. This is not to question the art of economics, rather, the science.

Born with the innate ability to process simple economic transactions, perhaps our ‘matured’ minds have come to over-complicate economic thought. For example, one day while driving through a suburb under the sweltering July sun, a young purveyor of lemonade set up shop on the front lawn of his family’s home, selling lemonade for 50 cents/glass. Directly next to his table was a boy of a similar age advertising ‘Joe’s Iced Tea’, and at only 40 cents/cup it was a steal. This is the greatest example of a competitive microeconomic pricing strategy I’ve ever seen, especially from an 8 year old. I propose it is I who misbehaves as a student of economics, and that the 40 cents I paid Joe isn’t nearly as valuable as the 2 cents he gave me.

In a 1958 inquisition into ‘Children’s earliest conceptions of economic relationships’, a research group from the University of Melbourne posed trivial questions pertaining to various economic processes to a group of children aged 5-8 years old (unfortunately, Joe hadn’t yet been born). They find an initial pre-categorical stage of development in which there is no realm of economic concepts differentiated from social concepts in general. The Kahneman’s and Tversky’s of the world rejoice.


Danziger, K. 1958. “Childre’s Earliest Conceptions of Economics Relationships (Australia).” Journal Of Social Psychology 47, no. 2: 231. Complementary Index, EBSCOhost (accessed November 22, 2017).

Gneezy, Uri. Why axis: hidden motives and the undiscovered economics of everyday life. New York: Public Affairs, 2016.

Kahneman, Daniel. Thinking, fast and slow. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2015.

Kenneth J. Arrow, author. 1986. “Rationality of Self and Others in an Economic System.” The Journal Of Business no. 4: S385. JSTOR Journals, EBSCOhost (accessed November 22, 2017).

News, CBC. “The savings habit: Census shows 2/3 of Canadians have it.” CBCnews. September 13, 2017. Accessed November 22, 2017.

News, CBC. “Average Canadian owed $21,912 at end of 2016, not including the mortgage.” CBCnews. March 08, 2017. Accessed November 22, 2017.

Thaler, Richard H. Misbehaving: the making of behavioral economics. Place of publication not identified: Instaread, 2016.

About the Author

A smiling man, wearing a light gray suit and checkered shirt with a dark tie, stands in an indoor setting with a beige-brown wall and a white vertical surface behind him.

Jacob Thomas

McMaster University

Jacob graduated from Brock University with a BA in Economics, and is now studying for an MA in Economic Policy at McMaster University. His research interests are in the applications of behavioural economics and experimental psychology in public policy.

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