Why shaming is one of democracy’s most powerful tools with David Moscrop

PodcastMarch 17, 2022

And this is what makes me extraordinarily nervous about the state of democracy. We're not moving fast enough. We're not moving in a way that includes everybody. And it's a recipe for absolute disaster.

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In this episode of The Decision Corner podcast, Brooke is joined by David Moscrop, political theorist and writer for the Washington Post. Moscrop’s expertise lies in political decision-making and democratic deliberation. This conversation details important points from his first book, Too Dumb for Democracy? Why We Make Bad Political Decisions and How We Can Make Better Ones. Some of the topics discussed include:

  • The issues with democracy in the 21st century
  • How politicians have become increasingly shameless
  • How shaming can be used as a tool to restore power to the people
  • The soft and hard guardrails that should direct behavior 
  • What happens when voters feel left behind by elites

About the Guest

David Moscrop

David Moscrop

David Moscrop is a political commentator, columnist, podcaster, and author who examines democratic deliberation and political decision making. He is a contributing columnist for the Washington Post. In 2019, Moscrop published his first book, Too Dumb for Democracy? Why We Make Bad Political Decisions and How We Can Make Better Ones. He has a PhD in political science from the University of British Columbia.

About the Interviewer

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Dr. Brooke Struck

Dr. Brooke Struck is the Research Director at The Decision Lab. He is an internationally recognized voice in applied behavioural science, representing TDL’s work in outlets such as Forbes, Vox, Huffington Post and Bloomberg, as well as Canadian venues such as the Globe & Mail, CBC and Global Media. Dr. Struck hosts TDL’s podcast “The Decision Corner” and speaks regularly to practicing professionals in industries from finance to health & wellbeing to tech & AI.

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