Political Persuasion: Rethinking The Rhetoric That Resonates

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May 18, 2024

In a previous article for TDL, I explored evidence that social media environments lead people to over-perceive political polarization and the level of hostility held by those “on the other side” of an ideological issue. 

One of the most crucial distinctions between social media and face-to-face interactions is that online discussions typically lack social cues like vocal tone and facial expression, forcing us to rely almost entirely on our choice of words. 

And words, words can be tricky. Especially in political conversations.  

We may think we’re communicating clearly, but the fact that online environments are proven hotbeds for hostility should cause us to pause and reconsider: What if we’re incorrectly detecting disagreement because someone uses words differently than we do? What if our attachment to our rhetoric is reducing our ability to understand, connect with, and persuade others? 

Language resonates differently across demographics

In 2021, a group of researchers conducted the Civic Language Perceptions Project, a survey measuring the reactions of 5000 Americans to 21 political terms like “liberty”, “justice,” and “patriotism.” 

The survey categorized the respondents into demographics like political affiliation, age, gender, race, and socio-economic status, revealing that many terms elicit disparate reactions. 

For example, people under 35 years old responded more favorably to the term “diversity” than those over 35. Likewise, those who identified as politically liberal showed a stronger preference for the term “activism” than did political conservatives. Additionally, the survey identified terms like “unity” that were widely favored across demographic groups.1

The organization funding the study then supported the development of “Pluralytics,” an artificial intelligence tool utilizing the study’s data to evaluate how content will be perceived by specific audiences and assist in the generation of more effective messaging. A similar project called “DepolarizeGPT” also leverages AI to identify political language that bridges ideological divides.

Along with these new tools, studies like the Civic Language Perceptions Project offer opportunities to reflect on instances where we are so repelled by someone else’s choice of words that we misjudge their perspective. 

We can also recognize when our chosen terminology may be limiting our ability to successfully communicate—our words may not be resonating with others, even when the heart of our argument has the potential to. Politicians, organizations, and individuals attempting to reach new or wider audiences may be able to use this information to select better words. 

But we can’t always be expected to switch up our political terminology. We won’t always know the best term to use in a given situation, and asking people to use political words that don’t feel authentic during an impassioned discussion may not be realistic or ethical. 

Interestingly, many of the guidelines developed out of the Civic Language Perceptions Project did not require people to adopt different political terminology. Actually, given that they discovered a lack of universal favorability for many political terms, researchers recommended that people make their commentary more accessible through linguistic tactics like paraphrasing; explaining a concept with everyday non-technical words instead of using political terms and assuming that those terms will be universally received (See what I did there? That's paraphrasing!).2


  1. America + Civic Language, PACE (Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement) (2022). Civic Language Perceptions Project, National Survey collected November 2021. Retrieved via PACEfunders.org/Language. https://app.box.com/s/5blrkyrtf1apmko9dbduwz2mw473js1e
  2. “Civic Language Guidance: Wisdom From the Field.” Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement (PACE). , 1 Feb. 2023, www.pacefunders.org/civic-language-guidance/. 
  3. Yeomans, M, Minson, J, et al. “Conversational receptiveness: Improving engagement with opposing views.” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, vol. 160, Sept. 2020, pp. 131–148, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.obhdp.2020.03.011.  
  4. Minson, J. “To Be Heard, Listen.” The Society for Personality and Social Psychology , 18 Mar. 2022, https://spsp.org/news-center/character-context-blog/be-heard-listen
  5. Yeomans, M, Schweitzer, M et al. “The conversational circumplex: Identifying, prioritizing, and pursuing informational and relational motives in conversation.” Current Opinion in Psychology, vol. 44, Apr. 2022, pp. 293–302, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.copsyc.2021.10.001
  6. See 1
  7. See 3

About the Author

A smiling woman with long, straight hair stands outdoors in front of blurred green foliage and pink flowering bushes. She is dressed in a patterned top with a dark jacket.

Kaya Foster

Kaya Foster has over a decade of experience designing and implementing engagement programs and campaigns for nonprofits, community groups, and institutions of higher education. She is interested in how behavioral science can empower everyday people to make a difference, and guide organizations shaping public policy. Kaya is a graduate of the Sustainability & Behavior Change program at UCSD, a robust professional certification grounded in "Community Based Social Marketing", an internationally utilized approach to "selling" altruistic behavior adoption & encouraging community engagement. She also holds a B.A. from UCLA.

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