The Conversations We're Not Having: Wendy De La Rosa
Literally every company in the world is hiring experts to figure out how to get you to spend faster. You are going up against, not just one company, two companies, but millions of companies who are trying to optimize every single part of their marketing, every single part of their user experience, their sign up flows, their purchase flows to get you to spend your money faster.
In this episode of the Decision Lab, Brooke speaks with Wendy De La Rosa, incoming professor at the Wharton School, co-founder of the Common Cents Lab, and host and creator of the new TED series; Your Money and Your Mind. Wendy was a founding member of Google’s behavioral economics unit, helping over 30 teams to optimize product strategy and design, customer engagement, and retention, as well as revenue. In their discussion, Brooke and Wendy discuss the changes in the economy caused by the pandemic, as well as strategies and techniques that businesses and individuals can use to help improve their financial standing. Some of the topics include:
- The way we make financial decisions, and why more education is not necessarily the best solution to our financial difficulties.
- How to ensure your environment is set up for success.
- Removing the shame surrounding financial failure, and the benefits of having more open conversations about our finances.
- How employers can help support their teams’ productivity by taking some of the stress out of their financial situations through initiatives like Financial Health Days.
- The importance of discussing finances in our personal relationships.