Why are we satisfied by “good enough?”
Bounded Rationality
, explained.What is bounded rationality?
Bounded rationality is a human decision-making process in which we attempt to satisfice rather than optimize due to limitations in our cognitive abilities. In other words, we seek a decision that is good enough rather than the best possible option, allowing us to make rational decisions within the bounds of our cognitive constraints.
Where this bias occurs
Imagine you are at the grocery store buying eggs. You look at the various brands and buy a carton of eggs labeled “cage-free.” This decision satisfies your desire to be ethical by choosing eggs from chickens not raised in cages.
However, when we make quick choices based on labels like “cage-free,” we often fail to stop and think about what those terms actually mean. Our decision is based on a false sense of rationality because we do not have all the information available. Maybe we don’t have the time to look up that “cage-free” can mean both “free-run” and “free-range,” but only “free-range” chickens have a chance to go outside.1 Bounded rationality encourages us to make decisions that satisfy a particular criterion, such as being ethical, without making the most optimal choice within that criterion.
Related Biases
Individual effects
According to bounded rationality, we are not inclined to find all the necessary information to make a rational decision due to cognitive and temporal limitations. This restriction causes us to make choices that are merely satisfactory rather than continuing to search for the best option.
Our choices are still logical considering the information realistically available to us, but not in terms of all the possible information out there. While it is difficult to behave according to perfect economic rationality, which maximizes benefits while diminishing costs, making decisions based on bounded rationality can cause us to be inconsistent with our objectives.
Expanding on this idea, behavioral economists Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman suggest that bounded rationality causes us to make biased judgments and decisions based on our beliefs about the likelihood of uncertain events occurring rather than actual probabilities.12 For example, we might decide not to get on an airplane because sensationalist media reports make us overestimate the probability of a plane crash, even though flying is the rational choice over driving regarding risk—cars are statistically much more dangerous than airplanes.
Bounded rationality results in all kinds of logical errors like these. We stick with familiar choices because they feel safe, we overlook important information in favor of what we already know and understand, and we make choices that may feel rational to us but often appear irrational to an objective observer.
“The confidence that individuals have in their beliefs depends mostly on the quality of the story they can tell about what they see, even if they see little.”
– Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow
Systemic effects
The corporate world contains a complex web of decision-making. While organizations strive to make choices that reflect their economic values, individuals making choices do not function perfectly rationally. Instead, unconscious prejudices and motives often sway humans, which makes meeting financial goals more difficult.
On top of that, employees must make snap judgments within stressful environments that will have a lasting impact on the rest of the organization. With time, money, and resource constraints, decision-making may only be satisfactory rather than most effective for meeting the company’s objectives.
Decision-making becomes all the more complex when the optimal choice for an employee does not align with the optimal choice for the rest of the company. In this case, the rationality of the employee is bound by their obligation to put the organization's needs before their own. While pushing back against self-serving inclinations, they may only be able to make a sufficient choice for the company rather than having the capacity to make the best choice possible.
In short, bounded rationality is sometimes a necessary imperfection when decision-making exists as part of a complex network rather than an individual entity.
Why it happens
Bounded rationality emerges due to the natural limitations of the human mind, constraints on our time, and the sheer volume of information we encounter as we go about our lives. Unlike perfect rationality, which requires an unrealistic capacity to store and process information, bounded rationality reflects the reality of our limitations, the mental shortcuts we use to manage these limitations, and the adaptive purposes behind our highly efficient decision-making processes.
Our knowledge is limited
Herbert A. Simon, the American scholar who introduced the theory of bounded rationality, attributed the phenomenon to three main factors: our limited ability to consider all the choices available to us, our incomplete knowledge of all the potential outcomes of our behavior, and our inability to perfectly estimate the value we’ll place on future outcomes.13 We make hundreds of decisions every day. Since we have to sift through so many options quickly, it is impossible to research and map out the potential effects of each. Think about how much information would have to be stored in our brains at any given moment for us to be able to make perfectly rational decisions!
We just don’t have the time, depth of information, or foresight to thoroughly analyze all possible options. Not only that, but the cognitive capabilities of the mind are naturally limited, and these limitations bound our rationality. Our limited cognitive resources cause us to focus disproportionately on certain information. As a result, we attempt to make good enough (but suboptimal) decisions based on what we believe rather than the best decision based on an objective evaluation of all available information.
Mental heuristics bypass important information
Due to limited brain capacity, time, and available information, we have to make decisions using mental shortcuts known in cognitive science as heuristics. Herbert Simon found that people use heuristics to arrive at satisfactory rather than optimal solutions. While heuristics make it easier for us to make snap judgments, they limit our ability to exercise logic, sometimes leading us toward mediocre choices.
Building on Simon’s foundational ideas about bounded rationality and mental heuristics, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky conducted extensive research to understand how and why heuristics influence our decision-making, often causing us to deviate from rational behavior.14 They identified several fascinating mental shortcuts, such as the availability heuristic, which causes people to judge the likelihood of an event based on how easily examples of that event come to mind, and the anchoring bias, which causes us to rely too heavily on the first piece of information we receive when making decisions. These seemingly simple heuristics can lead to systematic errors in judgment that limit our ability to behave perfectly rationally.
Bounded rationality promotes adaptive behavior
While our cognitive limitations can cause us to deviate from rational behavior, this tendency likely has an adaptive purpose. Bounded rationality gives way to efficient goal-oriented behavior that helps us navigate complex environments and make sense of the world around us, which allows us to make quick, satisfactory decisions in the face of overwhelming information. Humans learn to adapt their decision-making strategies based on past experiences and environmental cues. This doesn’t always mean we behave irrationally, but it reflects our ability to function effectively in complex situations.
Human rationality takes several forms depending on exactly how decisions are evaluated. For example, Gerd Gigerenzer’s idea of ecological rationality suggests that heuristics are adaptive processes that help us make quick and effective decisions despite our cognitive limitations.7 Similarly, the concept of procedural rationality emphasizes the limitations of our decision-making processes, suggesting that behavior can be seen as rational based on the procedures we follow to arrive at a decision.15 Yet another form of rationality, substantive rationality, evaluates decisions based on target outcomes. If someone behaves in a way that aligns with their goals, their behavior can be seen as rational without adhering strictly to logical reasoning. In short, our bounded human rationality can still be seen as entirely rational based on what we know, what we’re up against, and what we’re trying to achieve.
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Why it is important
Although bounded rationality helps us make satisfactory choices, that does not mean that those choices are optimal. Economists refer to us as “satisficers” instead of “homo economicus,” meaning “perfect rational human.”2 We make “good enough” decisions instead of the best ones, leading us to choose inconsistently.
We must be aware of our poor decision-making because businesses try to benefit from them using marketing tactics. Companies often label their products with enticing qualifiers with little-to-no meaning, such as the term “cage-free” on a carton of eggs. Other labels include “organic,” “sugar-free,” or “whole-wheat.” These qualifiers are vague and often do not mean what we assume they do. We may be satisfied by buying what we believe are ethical or healthy options when in reality, we are not achieving the most optimal decision to meet our objectives.
In the documentary, Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken!, director Morgan Spurlock explores the requirements for restaurants to label foods with certain qualifiers that may mislead customers.3 For instance, fast-food restaurants are allowed to say that their meat is made from “free-range” chicken if the chickens have the option of going outside for part of the day.4 That does not actually mean that they go outside. As Spurlock exposes in the film, farmers can get away with constructing a fenced space that only extends a few feet outdoors which they open up for a few minutes each day to convince consumers that they are being ethical.
If we want to avoid being taken advantage of by strategic marketing, we must remain aware that they are playing into our bounded rationality. Businesses know that we lack time to inform ourselves about the fine print of each qualifier or look at the nutritional labels of every product we buy. However, we can fight back by thinking twice before we purchase an item only because of its labeling.
How to avoid it
Unfortunately, being aware of bounded rationality does not help us to overcome it; understanding the limits to our thinking capacity and available information does not make those restrictions disappear. It is also useless to try to acquire all the details about different options when deciding. This process would take too long, and even if we had access to all the necessary information, it would be too much for us to process.
Since we will always be individually restricted by bounded rationality, working in groups or teams can help us overcome some limitations. People come to the table with diverse capabilities and expertise, helping to fill in any knowledge gaps. Working on a task together can also reduce the time and effort each of us has to exert on it, meaning that we may have more resources to dedicate to in-depth research and deciding upon the best option possible.
Companies and professionals can also use a form of choice architecture called nudges, a thought-out design of environments under which people make better decisions. Nudges could help us overcome bounded rationality and make optimal rather than satisfactory choices. For example, grocery stores can place the healthiest items at eye level to make us more likely to choose that option rather than leaving us dependent on misleading labels.
“You do not change people's minds by defeating them with logic.”
– Herbert A. Simon, Models of My Life
What are the three aspects of bounded rationality?
The concept of bounded rationality is built on three assumptions:16
- Humans have limited cognitive abilities: Our brains can only process and store a limited amount of information at a given time, which places boundaries on how much information we can analyze when making a decision.
- These limitations impact our decision-making: Our behavior is directly influenced by the mental shortcuts we use to cope with our mental limitations.
- Our cognitive limits become more obvious when we encounter more difficult problems: In more complex scenarios (think playing a game of chess instead of tic-tac-toe), our heuristics are more likely to result in suboptimal choices.
Recognizing how mental constraints—like limited working memory and selective attention—force our brains to make tradeoffs is key to understanding why people use heuristics to tackle difficult scenarios. Unfortunately, the brain’s tendency to default to these shortcuts under cognitive load can compromise the quality of our decisions in situations where careful, deliberate thought would be valuable, such as when making financial decisions or navigating ethical dilemmas.
How does bounded rationality differ from decision theory?
Decision theory is a framework for understanding how people should make decisions to achieve the best possible outcome.15 It assumes that people are rational economic agents that evaluate all options logically to make optimal choices, even under uncertainty. The concept of bounded rationality challenges the assumption that people are perfectly rational decision-makers, recognizing that limitations in our cognitive processes constrain our decision-making abilities. These limitations are only intensified by external challenges like time pressures or incomplete information, causing us to rely on heuristics that may not always lead us toward the most optimal decision.
Studies show that people often behave in ways that contradict decision theory.15 People are not always maximizers—there are many situations in which people pick options that are simply satisfactory or more convenient rather than optimal, even if they want to pick the best possible option. In practice, people simply do not follow the robotic decision-making rules of decision theory. This finding is core to behavioral economics, the field dedicated to studying the psychological factors that influence economic decision-making.
Is bounded rationality good or bad?
Bounded rationality is not inherently good or bad but simply describes the reality of our limited cognitive resources and efficient decision-making processes. While bounded rationality can make us vulnerable to biases that cloud our judgment and lead to suboptimal choices, it can also be beneficial in many situations.17 For example, bounded rationality allows us to make quick decisions without needing to analyze every bit of information we can get our hands on. This can be helpful in everyday life—imagine if you had to evaluate the nutritional content of every food item in your fridge to find the most optimal meal for breakfast instead of just pouring a bowl of your favorite cereal.
Bounded rationality also makes us adaptable. We frequently encounter novel situations out in the world, and our mental heuristics allow us to navigate new environments and function effectively with limited information. For instance, we know to avoid dark alleys when walking in unfamiliar cities, relying on our belief that well-lit areas tend to be safer. Bounded rationality can even help us make more ethical decisions in situations where aligning ourselves with perfect logic would be harmful to others—see our below example on supply chain management for an illustration of this in action.
How it all started
Economist Herbert A. Simon, who won the Nobel Prize for his work in behavioral science, first proposed the idea of bounded rationality in 1955 to counter the commonly held belief that being economical was equivalent to being rational.6 Under existing economic theories, being “rational” meant that when an individual chooses between alternative courses of action, they always pick the optimal option. This theory was called “rationality as optimization,” and Simon’s work was very influential in displacing such models.
Simon did not believe existing economic understandings of rationality adequately represented the kind of decisions people actually made. He proposed bounded rationality to consider the “access of information, and the computational capacities that are actually possessed by organisms, including man, and the kinds of environments in which such organisms exist."6 In other words, he wanted his theory to consider various limitations, including available information, varying mental capacities, and time.
Simon famously used a scissor metaphor to describe why the traditional economy theory was insufficient for looking at decision-making.6 One blade represented a human’s mental capacity, and the other blade represented the environment under which we make decisions. German psychologist Gerd Gigerenzer, who supported Simon’s model, explained its significance as the following:7 If we look at either blade of a pair of scissors alone, we cannot understand how it cuts. It is necessary to look at both blades—both our mental capacity and our environmental factors—to fully understand how the scissors cut. In other words, we must address personal and situational factors to grasp what causes rationality to be bound while decision-making fully.
How it affects product
As with “cage-free” eggs, tech companies can market digital products as “environmentally friendly” to convince consumers to make morally responsible choices. For example, music listeners may use online streaming services such as Spotify because they seem more sustainable than material options like vinyl or CD players. The perceived environmental benefit, combined with the convenience of listening to music on your phone, may convince listeners to download Spotify thinking they have the best of both worlds.
Unfortunately, this assumption could not be more wrong. All data centers combined produce two percent of the world’s carbon footprint—almost equivalent to that of the airline industry.11 However, the ease of streaming platforms may discourage listeners from further looking into how these services rely on data centers to provide instantaneous listening.
Bounded rationality and AI
Bounded rationality may prevent us from using artificial intelligence (AI) software most effectively. Let’s say after struggling to write an email to your boss to request time off for vacation, you decide to turn to ChatGPT for help. You quickly type your request in, and an automated response appears before you within seconds. Although the email is quite generic, you convince yourself it’s “good enough” and send it off.
Being restricted in time and energy encourages you to settle for a vague response rather than going back and prompting ChatGPT with more details. For example, you could stress that your trip will be a mental recharge that will increase your future productivity or that the location you are visiting will offer enriching education you can incorporate into your work. Rather than helping the algorithm to produce the optimal response, you settle for the first result that may not guarantee you get your time off.
To overcome bounded rationality, we can take a bit more time to incorporate specific details into our requests for AI tools to help them generate the best results possible.
Example 1 – Supply chain management
In the business world, decision-making occurs in complex systems with competing influences, such as when organizational objectives do not match individual goals.
In financial terms, what is rational for a business is what will make them the most money. However, consumers are starting to demand companies become more ethical in their practices, especially concerning environmental issues. These pressures lead to conflicting priorities for decision-makers who want to maintain their reputation with consumers while prioritizing financial gain.
Along with his team, Jens Roehrich, a researcher interested in supply-chain management, examined how 12 companies handled these conflicting interests. Roehrich wanted to see if bounded rationality affects companies’ use of sustainable supply chains, which are more environmentally friendly but often cost more.8
The researchers found that a primary concern of managers was balancing the trade-off between cost and reputation, as well as what capabilities and resources were available. These trade-offs demonstrate that organizations rarely abide by perfect rationality, and instead, their decision-making is bound by different influences and capacities.
Instead of choosing the cheapest supply chain, which would be economically optimal, decision-makers often settled on a compromise between costs and reputation by picking a supply chain that was a higher cost but more sustainable. This instance demonstrates that sometimes bounded rationality is actually more ethical than perfect rationality because it encourages us to “settle” for decisions that benefit people or cause outside ourselves.
Example 2 – Short-term temptations
Perfect economic rationality predicts that we make decisions that will give us the best financial outcome—which, of course, is typically not the case.
Imagine you won a contest and can pick between two options for your reward. Either you can receive $100 today, or you can wait one month and receive $110. The perfect rational individual would wait one month to receive the greater sum, but most people are likely to be satisfied with receiving $100 immediately.
Several studies have demonstrated bounded rationality in these kinds of scenarios. For example, when buying large appliances, customers are more likely to buy models with a low initial price with high energy rates. These appliances cost us more long-term than if customers chose models with a higher initial price but lower energy rates.9 Bounded rationality means that we are limited by our inability to quickly calculate how much electricity will cost over the years, causing us to make a satisfactory decision at the time but not optimal overall.
In another study, when participants were asked whether they would prefer a free meal at a fancy French restaurant or a local Greek restaurant,10 most chose the French restaurant. However, when asked whether they would prefer the French meal in two months or the Greek meal in one month, 57% of participants who had initially chosen French said they would rather have the Greek meal sooner.
These short-term gratification studies show that humans do not act according to perfect economic rationality. Instead, other factors influence our decisions: convenience, desire for immediate gratification, limited available information, or other cognitive biases.
What it is
Bounded rationality describes the way that humans make decisions that depart from perfect economic rationality since we are limited by our mental capacity, the information available to us, and time. Instead of striving to make the “best” choices, we often settle on making merely satisfactory choices.
Why it happens
To act according to perfect rationality would require us not to be influenced by any cognitive biases, to be able to access all possible information about potential alternatives, and to have enough time to calculate the pros and cons of each.
Since it is next to impossible to make decisions that satisfy all of these factors, we take shortcuts and make decisions that satisfy us, even if they are not the most optimal. We make choices within our temporal and cognitive limitations to the best of our understanding and ability. We may still be rational, just not perfectly so.
Example 1 - Supply chain management
According to a model based on perfect economic rationality, company decision-makers would make choices for their supply chain that would yield the greatest profit. However, such a model would not take into account other factors like reputation or sustainability. Many companies make decisions for their supply chain where cost is one of many factors influencing the decision-making process. Bounded rationality considers some of the trade-offs that managers have to make, meaning their decisions cannot always align with perfect economic rationality.
Example 2 - Short-term temptations
Bounded rationality can encourage us to make decisions that satisfy us in the short term, either because we are tempted by immediate gratification or because we cannot calculate long-term outcomes. This leads to decisions that could be more optimal over time, such as buying appliances that have a lower initial price but cost us more over time because of energy costs.
How to avoid it
It is difficult to avoid bounded rationality because the limitations that cause us to veer from perfect economic rationality are not ones we can change. The effort required to make the best choice is often not worth the difference in benefit gained between a satisfactory and an optimal choice.
However, it can be useful to get multiple opinions on the best decision. Working as a team helps us overcome bounded rationality by lessening limitations. We gain multiple perspectives that lessen cognitive biases and more time to learn about the possible alternatives to arrive at the most optimal outcome.
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