Behavioral science, applied

The leading applied research & innovation consultancy

Empowering passionate leaders to tackle complex problems & create meaningful change with behavioral science.

Let's chat

De-risk innovation in product design through behavioral science.

Photos of people from The Decision Lab

Innovate with clear ROI

Teams are under more pressure than ever to innovate. However, they don’t necessarily have the tools to predict ROI & decrease risk. Behavioral science drastically reduces risk & waste in innovation with tools such as deep literature reviews and pilot experiments. This allows you to quickly narrow the solution space to what is likely to have a deep and sustained impact.

Sustain behavior change

Behavior change isn’t new. Anyone working in UX, marketing or consumer research is already designing for change. In many cases these approaches are enough for short-term results. However, when sustained change is needed, an evidence-first approach helps. By leaning on decades of behavior change literature, behavioral science focuses on solutions that get stronger, not weaker, with time.

Increase internal buy-in

Incorporating behavioral science into your work uncovers deep psychological drivers and barriers that are otherwise invisible. Whether these are about your users, customers or staff, a deeper understanding means better solutions. This is exactly what behavioral science is famous for and why thousands of nudge units now exist around the world - it allows you to do more with less by using targeted understanding.


I was blown away with their application and translation of behavioral science into practice. They took a very complex ecosystem and created a series of interventions using an innovative mix of the latest research and creative client co-creation. I was so impressed at the final product they created, which was hugely comprehensive despite the large scope of the client being of the world's most far-reaching and best known consumer brands. I'm excited to see what we can create together in the future.

Heather McKee





Annual Revenue Increase

By launching a behavioral science practice at the core of the organization, we helped one of the largest insurers in North America realize $30M increase in annual revenue.


Increase in Monthly Users

By redesigning North America's first national digital platform for mental health, we achieved a 52% lift in monthly users and an 83% improvement on clinical assessment.


Reduction In Design Time

By designing a new process and getting buy-in from the C-Suite team, we helped one of the largest smartphone manufacturers in the world reduce software design time by 75%.


Reduction in Client Drop-Off

By implementing targeted nudges based on proactive interventions, we reduced drop-off rates for 450,000 clients belonging to USA's oldest debt consolidation organizations by 46%

Our secret sauce - lean rigor

Evidence-Based Design

Design decisions based on
an iterative testing approach
with over 10,000 diverse research participants.


Cutting Edge Science

Cutting edge stepped care approach to mental healthcare based on collaboration with Berkeley researchers.


Behavioral Feature Set

Feature roadmap grounded in a machine-learning aided literature review of thousands of papers & case studies.


Data Driven Reward System

Custom behavior change framework & reward system that enhance motivation and long-term adherence.


Make it

your secret sauce

Desks covered with multiple tools used for creative work

Merging heart and science to create products that captivate users, empower change and move markets.

Behavioral design:
Shaping products, transforming lives

Products are generally designed for people - they’re built to help us achieve some goal. Unfortunately, many of them do the exact opposite. We download an app to help us regain a sense of agency over some aspect of our lives (like exercising more, saving for retirement or learning a language) but it rarely works.

At TDL, we believe that a big part of why products fail is that they’re poorly aligned with how people think, feel and make decisions. This is why we turn to tools like persuasive technology, mindful design, and nudging to build products that empower users.

Countless third-party studies have shown that interventions based on behavioral science provide a clear, low-cost benefit relative to those that do not:

As we continue to blend the insights from behavioral science with existing principles behind design innovation, the potential for creating products that genuinely resonate with users and encourage positive behavioral change is immense. This is a big leap and we’re excited to be at the forefront of it.

Ready to build your next best-in-class product?

Let's collaborate. Tell us the challenge you’re facing and we’ll show you a clear path to impact with our unique, evidence-based approach to de-risking innovation.

We’ll never share your info with anyone.



Redesigning access to mental healthcare for millions of people

TDL spearheaded research and product design for the first-of-its-kind digital platform offering free mental healthcare services across the country. By basing our work on an innovative stepped care clinical approach, we were able to offer various levels of care, drastically improving efficiency and effectiveness over traditional approaches.


Our mission is to translate cutting-edge science into powerful tools, enabling passionate leaders to place intentional bets on innovation.

Dan Pilat

Co-Founder & Managing Director


Managing director

Marielle Montenegro

Marielle has led a number of large product mandates for multinational clients, focusing on the intersection of human centered design and behavioral science. Her work within highly complex team structures and organizations has made her a world expert of the integration of behavioral science into product - and expertise which she speaks about at conferences around the world.

Managing director

Hector Alvarado

Hector is an expert in bringing a behavioral science approach to large-scale transformation, growth strategy and integration projects across a large number of industries. He is particularly interested in generating impact for vulnerable populations around the globe. He holds a Masters in Applied Statistics from Oxford, and MBA from INSEAD and previously worked at the Boston Consulting Group.

MAnaging director

Sekoul Krastev, PhD

Sekoul is a decision scientist focused on using scientific rigor to create innovation within digital environments. His work, which has been featured in peer review journals, conferences and publications focuses on next-generation products that are not only innovative but also deeply integrated with an understanding of user psychology to drive desired behaviors and outcomes.



Improving safety for millions of ride-sharing users around the world

We worked with one of the largest ride-sharing services in the world to understand safety issues across multiple markets. Using a combination of qualitative work, machine learning and behavior change research, we were able to create global safety framework as well as a series of on-the-ground trainings aimed at reducing incidents.


Everything we do is based on five core principles (SPICE): Socially Conscious, Pragmatic, Inventive, Catalytic, Evidence-Based.

Dr. Sekoul Krastev

Co-Founder & Managing Director




Common Questions We Receive

What are the next steps if I'd like to work with you?

Get in touch with us with a quick description of the problem you're looking to tackle and, if we think we can help, we'll connect you with the right person to chat about our past experiences. Whether we end up working together or not, our goal is to add value in issue areas we care about.

What's your approach to making sure the work you do has high ROI?

Our work focuses on using a unique mix of rigor & pragmatism to solve very hard problems. To do this well, we're very careful to look for the right fit each time we receive a collaboration request - we want to make sure we can make a significant dent in the issue you're working on. Because of this, our past collaborations have consistently delivered substantial results - something we'll walk you through during our first chats.

What makes The Decision Lab's approach unique compared to other consulting firms?

We blend scientific rigor with pragmatic insight, using a no-nonsense multidisciplinary approach that doesn't discriminate against any field, be it psychology, UX, marketing or machine learning. This approach, which is supported by a team with diverse experience, allows us to solve very hard problems in an entirely new way.

How do I convince the rest of my team that behavioral design is a helpful tool?

Internal stakeholder buy-in is often the most important part of any behavior change project we do, and we like to believe we're experts in it. The first step is, of course, to make sure that behavioral science really is the right approach - to what extent is the problem you're looking to solve related to a decision made by a person and why can't more traditional approaches be used instead? We work closely with potential clients to answer questions like these and, if there is a fit, build a strong internal case.

Notes illustration

Eager to learn about how behavioral science can help your organization?