Why do we blame external factors for our own mistakes?
Self-serving Bias
, explained.What is the Self-Serving Bias?
The self-serving bias describes our tendency to attribute positive outcomes and successes to internal factors like our personal traits, skills, or actions but attribute negative results or failures to external factors, shifting the blame to situational factors beyond our control, such as bad luck or the actions of others.
Where this bias occurs
Many of us will remember the feelings associated with getting a good grade versus a bad grade in school. Particularly as younger students, we can remember being proud of ourselves for getting good grades. Attributing our success to our own skills and hard work. On the other hand, if we were to receive a poor grade, we may attribute the result to external factors. These external factors could range from things such as a professor’s inability to teach the subject, the difficulty of the topic, or our group members.
This process is common among many of us, as our initial reaction is to praise ourselves when we achieve success and blame external factors for our shortcomings. This seemingly harmless habit can have significant implications on our life as we age, hence the importance of identifying and curtailing behavior related to it.
Related Biases
Individual effects
One of the key ramifications of self-serving bias is that it robs us of personal accountability, making it very difficult to learn from our mistakes and improve upon our weaknesses. Beyond limiting our personal growth, this can put strain on our interpersonal relationships, particularly in collaborative workplace environments. Here are some of the primary ways these consequences can disrupt our lives.
Learning from Mistakes
Being aware of the self-serving bias and its impact on our lives is essential because it changes how we learn from our mistakes, and it can affect our decision-making. Overall, the self-serving bias is problematic: If we do not attribute our failures to our own errors, we are unlikely to learn from them in the future. Furthermore, refusing to acknowledge our mistakes makes us susceptible to repeating them down the line. Failing and learning from our failures is essential to becoming successful, achieving our goals and fulfilling our ambitions. If an individual cannot attribute their failures to mistakes they made themselves, then improvement is a difficult and unlikely process.
Self-serving bias has immediate and obvious consequences for our ability to learn from experience.
Annie Duke, Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don't Have All the Facts
Personal and Professional Relationships
Self-serving bias can also shape our interactions within various social contexts. When we blame situational factors for our shortcomings, we fail to take accountability for our mistakes, which can be maddening for people trying to live or work with us. Not only that, but we often blame other people for causing or contributing to our negative circumstances. These unfair differences in attribution can put a significant strain on relationships, causing us to feel resentful of others while simultaneously making them feel frustrated with our unwillingness to accept our faults or listen to constructive feedback.
Interestingly, research suggests this problem is more likely to occur among people who are not in close relationships.20 People who are relationally distant—meaning they don’t know each other well and have a minimal emotional connection—are more likely to display self-serving bias when collaborating on a task than those who are relationally close. Among relationally distant partners, each individual tends to take personal credit for their collective success while blaming their partner for any failures. In contrast, collaborating partners in close relationships are less likely to take undue credit or blame each other for negative outcomes. This suggests that the bias may be more likely to strain our professional and personal relationships. Perhaps fostering closer connections among colleagues can help mitigate conflict and resentment related to self-serving bias in work environments.
Systemic effects
Self-serving bias extends beyond individual behavior, influencing how groups attribute responsibility in large-scale contexts ranging from global challenges to organizational issues. Let’s explore how this bias can shape public opinion on policy decisions and drive leaders to deflect responsibility for failures, stifling growth in various industries and global landscapes.
Societal Perceptions of Global Issues
The self-serving bias has a cumulative effect when looking at societies and nations as a whole. Take climate change as an example: a study conducted by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University looked at climate policy and citizens’ perceptions on which country should make an effort to lower its emissions. By conducting surveys among college students in both China and the United States, the researchers noted that each group of students held self-serving biases in regard to the economic burdens that would result from mitigating climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in their own country.2
Their research confirms that the self-serving bias does, in fact, play a role in explaining why it is difficult for various nations to come to an agreement on their responsibility in emission reduction strategies. Researchers noted that interventions that aim to mitigate self-serving biases may facilitate agreement in environmental policy discussions, both at the national and international levels.2 The self-serving bias can influence other policy decisions at all levels of government. Reducing cognitive biases in policymakers and government officials is necessary to ensure policy decisions are based on facts and better improve the populations they serve.
Accountability in Organizations
On a slightly smaller scale, self-serving bias can also create systemic issues among organizations, where leadership blames company failures on external factors and avoids taking accountability for adverse outcomes. Deflecting the blame in this way makes it difficult for management to improve internal processes or address underlying issues, ultimately stifling the growth of companies that could benefit from constructive criticism. This can also contribute to a business culture where accountability is actively avoided. As a result, individuals at all levels of the organization may fear taking risks or making creative moves—where failure would expose their personal accountability and make it difficult to deflect blame.21 Organizations that normalize self-serving bias are likely to encounter problems when conducting workplace training. Whether it’s an employee or a top-level manager, an individual with a tendency towards self-serving bias will have a hard time accepting criticism or internalizing feedback, leading to skill stagnation and missed opportunities for professional growth.
Why it happens
The self-serving bias is a common fallacy and is described as a distorted perceptual process.3 Researchers have identified several different reasons why the self-serving bias occurs so frequently among individuals.
Locus of Control
Self-serving bias has much to do with locus of control or how much control people think they have over their lives and circumstances. People with an internal locus of control believe that outcomes are largely due to their own efforts, abilities, and dispositional factors like personality traits. These individuals feel that they have some degree of control over what happens to them and acknowledge their personal role in both positive and negative outcomes. People with an external locus of control tend to attribute outcomes to external factors such as luck or the influence of others. They are less likely to believe they have any power to change their situation. One’s perceived control over outcomes can vary significantly among individuals and events, and may be related to a number of factors, including life experiences, skills, self-esteem, temperament, mental health, and even age and culture.
The self-serving bias serves as a maintenance or enhancement mechanism for our self-esteem.3 By attributing our successes to our own characteristics and our failures to external circumstances, we spare ourselves any real opportunity for criticism. The self-serving bias skews our perception of ourselves and our reality, improving and preserving our self-esteem.
Self-presentation describes how an individual conveys information about themselves to others. Self-presentation can be used to match an individual’s self-image to others or try to match audience expectations and preferences.4
Self-presentation aids individuals in maintaining their self-esteem, as they are affected by how others perceive them. To continue to enhance their self-esteem, an individual actively portrays favorable impressions of themselves to others.5
Natural Optimism
Another reason that this cognitive bias is particularly common is due to the fact that humans are inherently optimistic. Negative outcomes tend to surprise people, and thus, we are more likely to attribute negative results or outcomes to situational and external factors rather than personal reasons. Along with our gravitation to optimism, humans consistently make fundamental attribution errors. The fundamental attribution error describes how when others around us make mistakes, we blame the individual who makes the error, but when we make mistakes ourselves, we blame circumstances for our failures.6
Age & Culture
The Self-serving bias does vary when looking at different age groups and cultures. Researchers have confirmed that self-serving bias is most prevalent among young children and older adults. From a cultural perspective, there is no official consensus regarding self-serving biases and cross-culture influences. However, researchers globally are now further investigating the cultural implications of self-serving bias, specifically in regard to differences demonstrated in Western and Eastern cultures.7
Early research in this area shows that those who live in collectivist cultures (for example, in Asia) display significantly smaller self-serving biases than Western cultures.23 In Western cultures with a strong focus on personal achievement, individuals are more likely to attribute their successes to personal factors or personality traits. Collectivist cultures, on the other hand, have a greater tendency to attribute successes to group efforts. Researchers suggest that collectivist cultures may have a group-serving bias in the same way that individualistic cultures have a self-serving bias. Still, more research is needed to explore these cultural differences.24
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Why it is important
The self-serving bias can affect many important aspects of our life. Commonly, self-serving bias can affect our performance throughout school, in our careers, in sports, and impacts our interpersonal relationships. Being aware of what causes the successes and failures in our lives, both personal and professional, can provide us with learning opportunities to improve. Understanding the self-serving bias, how it appears in our life, and how we can avoid it to make better choices and decisions is essential to continue improving ourselves and our situations.
How to avoid it
Though self-serving bias is common, there are many ways to avoid it and prevent it from impairing our day-to-day decisions. Mindful awareness helps us first recognize our susceptibility to self-serving bias when it occurs. When an individual learns about common cognitive biases, they can begin to notice them, specifically in their lives, providing an opportunity to self-correct.
Our ability to be self-compassionate is another way to help mitigate self-serving bias. When we are self-compassionate, we can reduce our defensiveness and better take criticism when looking to self-improve. Self-compassion is an individual’s ability to recognize distress and commit to alleviating that distress. Self-compassion involves the following components.8
- An individual’s ability to demonstrate self-kindness, especially when experiencing a sort of personal failure.
- An individual’s ability to understand their common humanity, or rather, that they are human and that other humans experience the same sort of experiences and failures.
- Finally, an individual’s mindfulness and being able to identify uncomfortable thoughts without judging them.
Being less critical, and more open to improvement through self-compassion is especially helpful for athletes. In sports, self-compassion has correlated with having fewer negative thoughts and feelings9 and aiding athletes in reducing self-criticism and negative thoughts after making mistakes.10
Additionally, athletes who are self-compassionate can better improve and take constructive criticism, as self-compassion provides them with the ability to create realistic self-evaluations about their performance without the fear of recognizing their weaknesses, and lowering their self-esteem.8
How is self-serving bias related to fundamental attribution error?
The self-serving bias is closely related to the fundamental attribution error.1 This error describes how we explain other people's behavior—whether or not they succeed, we tend to engage in internal attribution, assuming their behavior is driven largely by their personal traits rather than external factors. On the other hand, self-serving bias suggests that we only attribute positive outcomes to our personal characteristics but make external attributions for negative outcomes.
The interplay between these two biases means we are quick to attribute others’ failures to their own actions while being far more lenient with ourselves. Here’s an example: If a colleague’s work project is unsuccessful, you might blame their laziness or incompetence, but if your own project fails, you’re more likely to blame your manager’s unrealistic standards or problems with the software you had to use. This is also why you might become frustrated with other drivers for being selfish or reckless when they cut you off, but excuse your own driving mistakes because you were running late for an appointment or facing a confusing traffic situation. Being aware of both the self-serving bias and fundamental attribution error is critical to improving your personal accountability and living (and working) harmoniously with others.
Can self-serving bias have positive effects?
While a strong self-serving bias can make it difficult to learn from our mistakes and make fair judgments about others, moderate levels of this bias can be beneficial for our self-esteem and sense of self-worth. Attributing positive outcomes and successes to your own skills and inherent characteristics is nearly guaranteed to boost your confidence. As you continue to do this throughout your life, this can help you develop a positive self-image, which is beneficial for your mental health and can help you avoid the tendency toward harsh self-criticism that’s often associated with depression. Attributing our successes to internal factors and our failures to external factors can also be incredibly motivating, encouraging us to persist in the face of setbacks—because we’re less likely to see negative events or outcomes as indicative of our personal shortcomings. If you want to lean into self-serving bias and leverage it for good, avoid letting it cloud your judgment or harm your relationships. Refer to the above section on avoiding self-serving bias for some great tips on finding balance through self-reflection and self-compassion.
Does social media play a role in self-serving bias?
Social media can play a significant role in reinforcing self-serving bias by exposing users to carefully curated online personas that highlight success and achievement.25 On social media, people rarely share their mistakes or failures. Instead, influencers present an idealized version of themselves and often attribute their success to personal qualities while downplaying the influence of external factors, like financial support they might receive from other people. This selective sharing can normalize the process of attributing positive outcomes to internal traits. Not only that, but viewers can begin to feel inadequate in comparison to these successful influencers who never seem to make mistakes.
How content creators react to feedback can further reinforce self-serving bias. For example, an influencer might dismiss negative comments on a video by suggesting that some viewers just didn’t understand their vision—or they’re simply trolls seeking to undermine their success. As a result, viewers may begin to adopt a similar attitude toward their own experiences, dismissing criticism by blaming external factors and avoiding personal accountability for their actions.
Most of us hide behind egocentric biases that generate the illusion that we are special. These self-serving protective shields allow us to believe that each of us is above average on any test of self-integrity. Too often we look to the stars through the thick lens of personal invulnerability when we should also look down to the slippery slope beneath our feet.
Philip Zimbardo, The Lucifer Effect
How it all started
The self-serving bias first became a notable phenomenon by the end of the 1960s. The theory was first developed through research conducted in parallel to the attribution bias, a cognitive bias that refers to the many systematic errors people make when evaluating reasons for others and their behavior.11 During this research, an Austrian psychologist named Fritz Heider found that in ambiguous scenarios, people tend to make attributions based on their own needs in order to maintain a higher level of self-esteem for themselves, defining it as the self-serving bias.
Today, the self-serving bias is researched in several capacities. Laboratory testing, neural experimentation, and naturalistic investigation are all used to investigate this cognitive bias, its relation to different fields, and ways to mitigate it. Modern research regarding the self-serving bias has begun focusing on physiological manipulations in order to better understand the biological mechanism that contributes to the self-serving bias.12,13
Additionally, substantial research has been conducted to study depression and self-serving bias. Clinically depressed individuals show less self-serving bias than the average person. People diagnosed with depression are more likely to attribute negative outcomes to their internal faults and characteristics while attributing successes to external factors and luck.4 Research in self-serving bias has aided in identifying negative emotions in clinically depressed individuals alongside their self-focused attention, which leads to their lack of exhibiting self-serving bias.14
How it affects product
The self-serving bias can lead to both poorly planned products and slow, unhelpful customer service.
If a product doesn't perform well on the market, teams might blame it on external factors such as market conditions, competitors, or even the marketing team rather than accept that the product itself has shortcomings. This can lead to a waste of time and money. It can also impact how well the team works together.
Not only does the self-serving bias make us resistant to negative feedback, but it leads us to be defensive when we receive criticism. In the event that a customer is displeased with a product, a primary instinct may be to defend the project or pin the blame on the user for incorrect use. However, this can translate to further customer dissatisfaction and a missed opportunity for redemption.
The self-serving bias and AI
While the integration of AI has sped up the process of innovation, we often lack accountability systems for when AI fails. If a system fails or produces incorrect outputs, those involved might be quick to blame external factors, such as insufficient data or unpredictable market conditions, rather than acknowledging that the AI system (or their use of it) might have had inherent flaws.
AI might also amplify self-serving bias by making people feel less accountable for their own decisions and actions. A recent study found that when people engage in unethical behavior alongside AI, they are more likely to attribute moral responsibility to AI (an external factor unrelated to their personal character) and therefore judge themselves more positively than others engaging in the very same unethical behavior.22 Overall, participants attributed more responsibility to AI for their own moral transgressions than for others also working alongside AI. These findings underscore the importance of mitigating bias when collaborating with AI systems, especially as these systems are increasingly integrated into our everyday decision-making processes.
Example 1 - Self-serving bias in the workplace
The workplace provides many examples of self-serving bias. Specifically, research on work-related self-serving bias identified that the effect was most present in relation to negative outcomes and that the more distant the relationship between employees and their colleagues was, the more coworkers blamed each other for failure in the workplace.16
Self-serving bias is also commonly found in relation to explaining both employment and termination of one’s job. People were found to typically attribute their personal characteristics to the reasons that they were hired and blamed external factors for their own termination from their jobs.17
Example 2 - Self-serving bias in sports
Examples of self-serving bias are also particularly common in regard to sports, such as when athletes evaluate the outcomes of sporting events. Individual sports especially tend to showcase self-serving bias, likely because one-on-one sports have clearly defined winners, and the results of a match can be more easily attributed to one’s action than a team sport, where the entire group is recognized.18
A study conducted on Division I collegiate wrestlers tested the self-serving bias. The wrestlers were asked to self-report their performance from their preseason matches and the results of these matches. It was found that wrestlers who won were more likely to attribute their success to internal and personal causes than those who lost.18
Another study in 1987 looked to compare self-serving biases between individual sports athletes and team sports athletes. The study gathered 549 statements from athletes who played tennis, golf, baseball, football and basketball and concluded that individual sport athletes made more self-serving attributions than sports team athletes.19 This research concludes that individual sports athletes and their performance during sporting games significantly affected their self-esteem, thus using the self-serving bias to increase their confidence.19
What it is
The self-serving bias refers to an individual’s tendency to attribute positive events to their character, but attribute negative results or events to external factors unrelated to themselves and their faults.
Why it happens
The self-serving bias is a distorted cognitive process and is typical for a multitude of reasons. Several reasons that one may be susceptible to the self-serving bias include an individual’s need to improve their self-esteem, the natural optimism humans possess, or an individual’s age or cultural background.
Example #1 – Self-serving bias in the workplace
Examples of the self-serving bias are commonly found in the workforce, with instances of self-serving biases being seen in one’s perception of why they were hired, fired, received a bonus, or performed poorly. People were found to typically attribute their personal characteristics to reasons that they were hired and blamed external factors for their own termination from their job.
Example #2 – Self-serving bias in sports
Sports players are commonly cited when looking at examples of self-serving biases, especially those who compete in individual sports. Studies conducted on high-level wrestlers found that those who won attributed their wins to internal characteristics, while those who lost typically attributed their wins to external factors.
How to avoid it
The best way to avoid the self-serving bias is to be aware of what the self-serving bias is, and identify how you could possibly be using it in your own life. Mindfulness provides an opportunity to find solutions to overcome this bias. Additionally, being open to criticism and being self-compassionate is a potential way to avoid the self-serving bias.